This was my first multi-production video and was within the scope of a university seminar. I was in charge of all the aspects of a film production which included: filming, editing, audio-recording, color grading, and project management. Since I was working with different video sources, I took the approach of a handheld more personal, and humane style for the film.
This film was shot with my first camera a Lumix Gx80 alongside basic equipment and its purpose was to help a nonprofit organization gain attention on social media and also recruit volunteers for their good cause.
Although I have become a lot more professional in the field, this film will always have a special place in my heart, since I firmly believe our world must support good-willed work and help all countries become a better place by doing so. My work experience with HelpAge remains one of the best I have ever had and I can only encourage everyone who reads this to check them out.
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